200x your money from minting – get $10,000
If you mint the “Anonymous” punk number 666 (in a green mask), the project team undertakes to buy back the punk for $10,000 after the end of the mint of the entire collection
6 more prizes of $1000 each (20x from mint)
Mint punks: 66, 777, 111, 6666, 777, 7777, which will be redeemed at the request of the owner for $1000 (20x) after the end of the mint collection.
Get a 100% cashback from the mint amount
Each buyer of 3+ NFTs will take part in a decentralized competition within which they can receive a cashback of 100% after the mint is finished.
Win 1 day on a Lamborghini in Dubai
All buyers who have purchased at least 20 NFTs enter a 1 day Lamborghini Raffle in Dubai!